Resolve digestive problems, weed out food sensitivities and clear up symptoms in your body. In just 4 weeks.

So you can restore your energy and feel better inside and out.

Are you struggling to...

  • Beat the bloat and get to grips with IBS, constipation, indigestion and diarrhoea

  • Alleviate unexplained symptoms including joint pain, fatigue, headaches/migraine, hyperactivity, sinus issues, brain fog, acne and eczema

  • Even up your mood

  • Get your sleep on track

  • Balance your hormones due to stress, PMS, fertility or peri/menopause

  • Boost immunity and beat infections

  • Lose stubborn weight

Ready to get on top of your health challenges so you can stay on track with your goals

In only 1 month?

Maybe you've been...

  • Under constant stress or experienced a traumatic event

  • Unwell

  • Taking medication including antibiotics

This will help you

Welcome to the Happy Gut Method

Take the stress out of your digestion. Use this gold standard framework to find food sensitivities and improve your performance.

This isn't a diet, it's a short-term holistic approach, designed to revitalise your body and mind.

Starting with your nutrition.

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed and full of energy, ready to conquer anything.

Free from unexplained symptoms.

With this planned method, you'll go on a tasty adventure, trying different meals.

These meals not only make your taste buds happy but also improve your gut health.

A healthy gut is the foundation of well-being.

It influences your energy levels, mood, immune system, and even your skin health.

When you heal your gut, you improve your digestion and enhance your well-being.

In just 4 weeks you'll...

Heal Your Gut

Clear Up Symptoms

Including eczema, acne, bloating, headaches, gas, mood swings and more

Identify Food Sensitivities

How The Happy Gut Method Works

Imagine this: your body is like a finely tuned orchestra, and the foods you eat are the instruments.

Your immune system may react to certain foods as if they're off-key notes.

Food sensitivities are not the same as allergies or intolerance.

They don't have an immediate effect on you.

Instead, it's like a slow build-up – symptoms might take up to 72 hours to show up!

You could be eating foods your body doesn't like every day without knowing it.

When you're exposed to something, it can cause inflammation.

This inflammation is what causes those annoying symptoms you've been dealing with.

Figuring out which foods are causing this chaos can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

I created the Happy Gut Method for that reason.

Think of it as a roadmap that helps you find your food sensitivities.

It also helps heal your gut and reduce symptoms.

And the best part?

You won't be munching on bland, boring stuff.

This method guarantees you tasty, healthy meals that improve your well-being.

"Once you know what's causing your health woes, you'll be back in control" Carrie (The Stress Coach)

Health Coach, Transformational Coach & Reflexologist

Stress Coach Yourself and give your whole body a tune up:

  • Increase energy levels

  • Better mood and mental clarity

  • Quality sleep

  • Improve digestion

  • Weight management

The 3 Steps to Reset Your Body

Get Organised

For Success

Cut Out

Inflammatory Foods

Bring Back Foods

& Track Symptoms

"I resolved my hip pain and tummy aches"

Included in your Happy Gut Method

30 Recipes

For us go-getting women, life never slows down, right? That's where these recipes, with calorie and macro breakdowns included, become our secret weapon. Simple, gut healing ingredients, loaded with antioxidants and all the nutrients you need. No more pondering over what's for breakfast, lunch or dinner during a hectic week. See a sample of the recipes here.

4 Weeks of Meal Plans & Shopping Lists

Life's a whirlwind, and sometimes, even the thought of planning meals feels overwhelming. That's where these weekly shopping lists and meal plans, that use the recipes from the recipe pack, come to your rescue. When you're hustling through your day, knowing exactly what's for dinner is a game-changer. These plans aren't just about saving time; they're about reclaiming your sanity.

4 Weeks of Meal Prep Plans

Get ahead of preparing your meals, so you're never caught feeling hungry. Life can get seriously chaotic, especially for busy women juggling a million things at once. That's where the included meal prep plans swoop in as a game-changer. They mean you get to enjoy real, home-cooked meals, even on your busiest days.

Snack Guide

Imagine this: a handy snack guide tailored just for you. It's your trusty sidekick on your gut healing journey. This guide offers snacks that are quick and convenient but also gentle on your digestive system, keeping your gut health in check. Say goodbye to energy slumps and those pesky cravings!

List of Yes/No Foods

I've put together this super handy list of foods to guide you through the 4-week plan. It's like your friendly cheat sheet – showing you what's on the menu and what's not. So, while you're on this journey, you won't have to guess what's good to eat and what to avoid.

Symptom Chart & Overall Wellness Diary

Ever wondered how your food choices affect how you feel? Well, I'm here to help you figure that out in the most straightforward way possible. I want you to keep it real - track your sleep, energy levels, and mood while you're following the plan. Also, pay attention to how your body reacts when you reintroduce different foods at the end. It's like a little detective game, but with your well-being in mind.

You'll Also Receive 5 Bonus Guides

Detoxify Your Body

These days, toxins are everywhere – in our water, food, makeup, cleaning products, and even the air we breathe. It's hard to escape them completely. But there are simple things you can do to help your body deal with these nasties. Just by adopting a few healthy habits, you can boost your natural detox superpowers.

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating isn't just about enjoying your food more; it's proven to help with digestion, reduce stress, and even manage weight.

So, it's like a win-win – you get to appreciate your food in a whole new way, and your body thanks you for it!

Top Probiotic & Prebiotic Foods

This trusty guide makes it super easy to boost your gut health. It's like a little helper that shows you the way to more probiotic and prebiotic foods. And here's the magic: these foods are like fuel for the friendly bacteria in your gut. So, what does that mean for you? Well, it means better digestion, a stronger immune system, and even a happier mood.

Manage Stress Better

We all know being ambitious has its challenges, and stress is often part of the package deal. But managing that stress is key to keeping your well-being intact and reaching those amazing goals you've set for yourself. This guide is like your stress-busting best friend, packed with real, practical tips that fit right into your busy life. It's not about complicated techniques; it's about simple, down-to-earth strategies that actually work.

Meditation Mini Guide & Audio

Ever thought about giving meditation a shot? This quick guide will help you get started and comes with a free guided meditation audio – your own little peace oasis. Meditation is like a mini-holiday for your mind and is a powerful antidote to stress. Perfect for your gut healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this eating plan suitable for?

Omnivores. This plan features fish and meat.

It's suitable for anyone who is struggling with:

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Brain fog/memory problems

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Gut dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria which can lead to leaky gut)

  • Leaky gut

  • IBS

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Inability to lose weigh

  • Fertility issues

  • Frequent infections

  • Migraines/headaches

  • Skin conditions such as eczema and acne

  • Sleep problems

  • Joint pain

  • Other unexplained symptoms

How will it help me?

This method will help you heal your gut by removing the main food culprits that can cause sensitivities for a short while.

You may not even be aware that you're sensitive to certain foods because symptoms can be wide ranging, and not just felt in your digestive system!

A negative response to a food can show up anywhere in your body.

It doesn't have to be an extreme reaction either, it tends to be insidious, creeping up slowly without being able to put your finger on the root cause.

Allowing your body time without these ingredients will help your gut heal and provide you with a total nutrition overhaul. So it's also a great way to kickstart your healthy eating goals.

What will I be eating?

Lots of fresh, whole foods including vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, spices, natural sweeteners, meat and fish.

How long does the method last?

The first part of the method lasts for 4 weeks. However, if you notice any of your symptoms are still present, you can extend this time period.

I'd advise you to take a little bit of time before starting the plan to get yourself prepared. For example, reading through the materials and shopping for ingredients. This will ensure you're set up for success.

In addition, after the gut healing phase, you'll have the opportunity to reintroduce foods and food groups methodically, one at a time. This will highlight whether you have a sensitivity to something.

You can take as much time as you need to do this.

When will I feel the results?

Everyone responds differently, so it is hard to say for definite. Some people have reported their symptoms disappeared within a few days but it could take weeks before you notice a change.

Which foods are excluded from the recipes?

Recipes in the method DO NOT include the following:

  • Gluten

  • Dairy

  • Eggs

  • Nuts/seeds

  • Soy

  • Nightshades

  • Legumes

  • Inflammatory vegetable and processed seed oils

  • Highly processed foods

How is the Happy Gut Plan delivered?

You'll be provided with access to an online platform where you'll find all the materials you need for the 4 week method including videos and written guides.

Is this the same as the FODMAP Diet?

No. The low FODMAP diet is primarily used to manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and certain other digestive disorders. It's designed to reduce symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea in individuals with these conditions.

This Happy Gut Method is a broader approach used to identify and manage food sensitivities that may cause various symptoms, not just digestive issues. It can address skin problems, headaches, fatigue, and many more unexplained symptoms.

Is this a weight loss plan?

Whilst this method isn't focused on losing weight, it could certainly support this! The plan gets down to the nitty-gritty of things.

You see, some foods can really mess with your body, causing inflammation and triggering stress hormones that make you hold onto weight like it's your best friend.

By cutting out these troublemaker foods, you're giving your body a chance to calm down, reduce inflammation, and balance those pesky hormones.

And guess what? Many women find they shed those extra pounds pretty quickly using this framework.

Plus, pinpointing your food triggers isn't just a short-term solution – it's your ticket to keeping that weight off for the long haul.

So, yes, it's often about losing weight, but it's also about reclaiming your body's balance in the most down-to-earth way possible!

Who should avoid this method?

This plan is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children or anyone with/who has had an eating disorder.

Your Happy Gut Method at a Glance

  • 30 x nutritious and quick breakfast, lunch & dinner recipes

  • 4 x weekly meal plans - to save you time

  • 4 x weekly shopping lists - to organise your week

  • 4 x weekly meal prep guides - to get ahead

  • Snack guide - so you'll never go hungry

  • Foods to include and exclude guide

  • Larder essentials guide - to get prepared for success

  • Elimination and reintroduction guide

  • The science behind gut healing

  • Chart to track symptoms

  • Overall wellness diary - to see the bigger picture

  • 5 bonuses to help you get on top of stress

  • Video and written guidance - with all the support you'll need

  • Lifetime access - always here for you, even as life changes

START NOW & Feel Better



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A healthy you makes dealing with challenges easier. 🧡

When you feel better in your body and mind, you become more confident and positive.

This helps you have better relationships and pursue your passions.

A healthy gut isn't only about feeling better - it's about living a more vibrant and fulfilling life in every way.

It helps you become the best you, so you can embrace each day with energy and confidence. ⚡